Montana Resources is part of a modern generation of mine operators. We strive to innovate processes and utilize more efficient technologies that lessen the impact of mining on the environment.

"We are continuing the tradition of excellence in all aspects of the business."

Jack Standa, President, Montana Resources

Mining valuable metals to serve a world demand for raw materials

Montana Resources LLP operates an open-pit copper and molybdenum mine in Butte, Montana, near the Continental Divide. The company has produced over 2.5 billion pounds of copper and more than 250 million pounds of molybdenum since operations began in 1986, and the mine has a projected 32 years of production remaining. Ore is processed in a crusher/concentrator facility to yield high-grade concentrates that are shipped to smelters in the United States and overseas. Montana Resources employs over 380 people. Continuing a century-old tradition of mining in Butte, the company is a deeply involved citizen of its community.


Pounds Copper


Pounds Molybdenum


Ounces Silver

High quality concentrates for the world market

Wise management of mining resources and production techniques allow us to competitively produce copper and molybdenum concentrates.


We strive to innovate processes and utilize more efficient technologies that lessen the impact of mining on the environment. Montana Resources also practices concurrent reclamation, reclaiming as soon as possible while mining operations continue.


Montana Resources has worked since July 2009 without a lost time accident and has consistently stayed well below the industry average accident rate. Montana Resources believes zero incidents are achievable and expects all 380 employees to align with that philosophy. The mining environment has numerous hazards but our workforce knows how to assess the hazards and mitigate the risk. We never move forward with a task until safety has been considered.

Resource Management

Wise management of mining resources and production techniques allow us to competitively produce copper and molybdenum concentrates for a world market. The path for metal concentrates from earth to railcar or truck involves many separate processes, mechanical and chemical, overseen by trained personnel. Our attention throughout to maintaining equipment in good operating condition and our willingness to strategically invest in new, more efficient machinery are key.


Jack Standa

President of Montana Resources, Jack Standa is an expert in innovative, cost-effective and sustainable solutions for resource extraction. As such, his methods are implemented in mines around the globe including the United States, Canada, Australia and Indonesia.